Peter Winch

Fresh from his undergraduate degree, Peter explored various options for postgraduate study in theology. Why did he settle on Westminster?

​“Because of the exceptional men on the faculty: both pastorally and academically they strive for excellence. They bring different experiences–from Wales, Scotland, England, continental Europe and America–but what they have in common is being ministers themselves. They know exactly what you need–the current pressures in the church, how to feed the flock–and they have healthy priorities: hard work not for its own sake but for the sake of the church. Many are themselves church planters, so they are preparing you for that, explicitly and implicitly.”

​“I know of no other place which is so balanced: rooted in the local church whilst being academically rigorous; some places lower the demands so people can just start preaching, whilst others are drily academic. That the Faculty are clear on the Confession gives stability–it’s something you can come back to when there are challenging questions."

​Peter is also a German speaker, and has preached extensively throughout UK and mainland Europe. “Having one leg in the church and one leg in the studies keeps you from the ivory tower. I'm so thankful for the opportunity of the Knox internship to combine my study with practical experience. It's not only made me more focused, but helped prepare me for real-world ministry.”


Hanooq Yaqub


Nathan Hilton